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Results for Sweden

Bosnia police arrest five, seize arms intended for Islamists in Sweden

Bosnia police arrest five, seize arms intended for Islamists in Sweden

Police in Bosnia have arrested five people suspected of trafficking arms to Islamists in Sweden and seized large amounts of weapons and military equip...

Written by: Mooba
Rating 0.5
Sweden struggles with first gender balance shift in 267 years

Sweden struggles with first gender balance shift in 267 years

Famous for its efforts to put women on an equal footing with men, Sweden is experiencing a gender balance shift that has caught the country by surpris...

Written by: Mooba
Rating 0.5
Fewer than 500 of 163,000 asylum seekers found jobs

Fewer than 500 of 163,000 asylum seekers found jobs

Using figures from Sweden's employment agency Arbetsförmedlingen and migration authorities Migrationsverket, SVT reported on Tuesda...

Written by: Mooba
Rating 0.5
People on the autism spectrum live an average of 18 fewer years than everyone else, study finds

People on the autism spectrum live an average of 18 fewer years than everyone else, study finds

Researchers looking into mortality trends and autism have made a troubling discovery: People on the autism spectrum are dying young —&...

Written by: Mooba
Rating 0.5