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Politifact study: fox news lies 1.5 times per year on average.


Tags: Politics  


Politifact study: fox news lies 1.5 times per year on average. published by Oan
Writer Rating: 1.0000
Posted on 2019-03-19
Writer Description: Articles
This writer has written 128 articles.

Politifact -the Democrat fact-checking organization owned by the Tampa Bay Times- has released an updated version of its "fact check tally"


the fact check tahlier shows how many times a network has lied told the truth or made mostly false


According according to PolitiFact Fox news has only loed 1.5 times per year.


The study shows a total of 50 false statements since fox news was started. This divided by fox age is 1.5 times per year.


This study flies against democrat ppundits statements that fox is "fake news". 


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Article Rating: 1.0000

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Anonymous: 2019-03-19 02:03:24 ID:3149

no source, no link to the politifact study

Anonymous: 2019-12-11 02:17:43 ID:3442

Yep it sure does help to have some sort of source. If there is no source, it's safe to say it's BS.

Anonymous: 2020-07-21 02:35:03 ID:5127

Gee, since Polifact only rated two FOX News Stories in the last two years, I suppose your "stat" is "true"