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Tux Racer Version 0.1a released


Tags: tux racer gamer  


Tux Racer Version 0.1a released published by mario
Writer Rating: 0
Posted on 2020-06-30
Writer Description: Gaming!
This writer has written 2 articles.

After 22 years, the devs say soon they will be ready to announce pre-alpha stage. This truly is an exciting time in the linux community. Be sure to clone, checkout, and build your copy today!


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Article Rating: 1.0000

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Anonymous: 2020-06-30 03:29:47 ID:5102

Do you know if they have fixed the game crashing x server

../../../../../../../: 2020-06-30 04:21:09 ID:5113

Hey mate, im from the islands of british land, i just wanted to tell you this is a good article