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Growing Our Emotional Intelligence

Happiness, Self Leadership and a Better Society

Tags: Emotional Intelligence  Critical Thinking  SelfGrowth  Peace  SelfLeadership  

Happiness, Self Leadership and a Better Society

Growing Our Emotional Intelligence published by Maura4u
Writer Rating: 2.0000
Posted on 2020-09-19
Writer Description: Happiness, Self Leadership and a Better Society
This writer has written 61 articles.

No one will doubt we're collectively experiencing a topsy-turvy world.

Living with uncertainty has become the new norm. Adaptation is rapidly emerging into the new imperative.

It's easy to hide under our proverbial covers, longing for a return to the predictable "old days" we once knew.

Yet while many are feeling daunted by the unknown, there is another way. These current times are providing a rare opportunity to reflect, reevaluate and approach each coming day with a fresher and more hopeful perspective.

Growing Our Emotional Intelligence

Unlike an I.Q. that measures our intellect, we can now seek to develop our emotional intelligence or E.Q. as well. There's no special academic degree given on this journey, but the personal growth it brings satisfies many facets of our soul and spirit.

Developing our Emotional Intelligence calls upon a completely different part of our nature -- and our being. We embark on a path to grow inwardly by reflecting upon values, passions and desires and maturing our relationships with self and others.

Growing in Emotional Intelligence involves becoming more true to ourselves. The process beckons us to become more authentic: to take chances, confront old fears, step out of the shadows and stand up on our own terms.

A New World

At this juncture in time and space, each of us is suddenly afforded a unique opportunity.

We can answer the call to consider how we can show up and help create a new future and a new society. What does it look like? More importantly, who shall we be in the world ahead?

Never underestimate the power of YOU. Yes, YOU. You are an integral piece of the larger public cosmos that will help shape things to come . . . or not.

Podcasts to Help You Along the Way

It is with emotional growth in mind that I offer three podcasts, each providing a different perspective to help you in your own path to Emotional Intelligence, Peace and Personal Power.

The first is a recent interview I sat in on with host Ronica Jacobs where we discuss Emotional Intelligence, a Growth Mindset and Personal Leadership.

Ronica's Strive4More podcast is found on a number of platforms. Choose iTunes or Google Podcasts or Direct Download to listen to the interview.

More From Me

The following two links are from my own podcast series Maura Sweeney - Living Happy Inside Out. Newly released, these are timely and on-point to help you prepare for change and keep yourself grounded along the way.

Click here for Podcast 171 Asking Questions

Click here for Podcast 172 Focusing on Fear or Faith


Engage me as your next Keynote or Workshop Leader

Published by

Maura Sweeney Ambassador of Happiness (R)

Status is online


Photos, text and podcasts mine. Additional podcast from Strive4More Podcast with permission. 

Article Rating: 5.0000

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