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The day in the life of a computer tech

?? flaw in coding

Tags: Clearwater  FL  

?? flaw in coding

The day in the life of a computer tech published by SB is a bum
Writer Rating: 0
Posted on 2016-01-29
Writer Description: ?? flaw in coding
This writer has written 1 articles.

I wake up every morning and I'm always looking forward to having a great day. As I drive my car into work, I think of the movie "OfficeSpace".. I ususally come in about 45 minutes late and go in the back door so no one can see me. When I do come in, I stare at my computer for the first two hours so it actually look like I'm working. My coworker SB comes in about the same time. I have to deal with his annoying voice and stupid questions. Most times I just tell him I'm busy just so that I don't have to hear him talking to me. If he continues to ask questions, I would go ahead and put on my headphones. He has only been working with me for the past 6 months and not sure how much of this I can handle at this time. He talks to me about wierd stuff such as his friends coming over his house to play video games. Recently I found out that he actually has a fake profile on the web of a twenty something old girl. Yeah, talk about being an "interesting" person.



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