to People Who Hate His 'Caucasians' Shirt

Tags: USA
to People Who Hate His 'Caucasians' Shirt published by Evanvinh
Writer Rating: 5.0000
Posted on 2016-04-09
Writer Description: Evanvinh
This writer has written 733 articles.
The Washington NFL Team. The Atlanta Braves. The Cleveland Indians. Several professional sports teams employ names and mascots that turn Native Americans into caricatures. Yesterday, Bomani Jones—host of ESPN’s “The Right Time With Bomani Jones”—blew the conversation around racist mascots wide open.
While guest hosting the network’s “Mike & Mike” yesterday (April 7), Jones wore a shirt with a logo reminiscent of the Cleveland Indians’, only instead of showing the team’s name and “Chief Wahoo,” it read “Caucasians” and featured a White man’s face with a dollar sign replacing the original logo’s feather.
To say that people were offended would be an understatement. In fact, the online reaction was so strong that he sat down with Molly Qerim during the show to explain exactly why he wore the shirt:
The statement is obvious. This is the same thing. What we have here, this is the same thing that goes on with the logo for the Cleveland Indians. So to have a problem with the logo of this would be to have a problem with the Indians. But if you’re quiet about the Indians and now you’ve got something to say about my shirt, I think it’s time for introspection.
To say that people were offended would be an understatement. And, as they often do in 2016, many (White) people took to Twitter to tell Jones about their outrage. Rather than letting their complaints go unacknowledged, Jones responded in the best possible way: trolling the hell out of them.
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