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Results for Voters

Study finds hillary voters really were sexist: hated men

Study finds hillary voters really were sexist: hated men

play has brought parts of the 2016 presidential debates to the stage but with an added twist: Donald Trump is played by a woman while Hillary Clinton ...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
CNN disguises lobbyist interns and democratic politicians as "mothers voters and students."

CNN disguises lobbyist interns and democratic politicians as "mothers voters and students."

CNN is already known as the Democrat propaganda network. But its latest instance has even crossed that line.     CNN was holding in...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
State system to catch voter fraud has 99% false positive rate

State system to catch voter fraud has 99% false positive rate

A database system that will now be used by Indiana to automatically purge voter registrations that have duplicates in other states is 99 percent more ...

Written by: nherting
Rating 0.5
Gary Johnson: Take a Deep Breath, Voters. There Is a Third Way.

Gary Johnson: Take a Deep Breath, Voters. There Is a Third Way.

This article is written by Gary Johnson - Please support the original by checking out the original source.

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Bernie Sanders Blasts Hillary Clinton's Refusal to Debate as 'Insulting' to Voters

Bernie Sanders Blasts Hillary Clinton's Refusal to Debate as 'Insulting' to Voters

Bernie Sanders blasted Hillary Clinton for her refusal to debate him two weeks before the California Democratic primary. "...

Written by: Mooba
Rating 0.5