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Results for lab

Cnn Is NOT News: Network’s Own Ads Label Its Programming As 'Entertainment'

Cnn Is NOT News: Network’s Own Ads Label Its Programming As 'Entertainment'

Most Americans don’t need Cnn to inform them that the network is a rabidly partisan left-wing propaganda machine. However it’s nice of the...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
The Surefire Way To Destroy the Mind, Body, and Soul — To Not Work

The Surefire Way To Destroy the Mind, Body, and Soul — To Not Work

In the past I had everything taken care of. Namely, having to go to college. I got a grant to be able to go to college and begin my studies — pl...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
The Philosophical Approach to Labor

The Philosophical Approach to Labor

Labor: Work, toil, employment, exertion, industry, industriousness, toiling, hard work, manual labor of a worker, manual workers as a social class, wo...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Killer antibiotic now 25,000× more potent—and resistant to drug resistance

Killer antibiotic now 25,000× more potent—and resistant to drug resistance

With clever chemical tweaks, an old antibiotic can dole out any of three lethal blows to some of the deadliest bacteria—and give evolution one n...

Written by: nherting
Rating 0.5
eBay can’t be sued over seller accused of patent infringement

eBay can’t be sued over seller accused of patent infringement

It's game over for an Alabama man who claims his patent on "Carpenter Bee Traps" is being infringed by competing products on eBay. Ro...

Written by: nherting
Rating 0.5
Rainbow Six Siege Starter Edition is now available for $15

Rainbow Six Siege Starter Edition is now available for $15

If you think Rainbow Six Siege looks cool—and if you don't, Shaun's excellent “Why I Love” column on the sweet str...

Written by: Mooba
Rating 0.5
Alabama Chief Justice Suspended Over Gay Marriage Stance

Alabama Chief Justice Suspended Over Gay Marriage Stance

Roy Moore, chief justice of the Alabama state Supreme Court, was suspended for his efforts to block same-sex marriage, counter to a U.S. Supreme Court...

Written by: Mooba
Rating 0.5


Saudi authorities have arrested a man for shooting a male doctor who had helped his wife’s delivery, after arguing that a female doctor should h...

Written by: Mooba
Rating 0.5
Shia Labeouf to Bum Rides Across Country for Art

Shia Labeouf to Bum Rides Across Country for Art

Shia Labeouf is hitting the road for his latest artistic endeavor. The actor and his two collaborators, Nastja Säde R...

Written by: Mooba
Rating 0.5
Inside the garage labs of DIY gene hackers, whose hobby may terrify you

Inside the garage labs of DIY gene hackers, whose hobby may terrify you

by Kristen V. Brown When the future of genetic engineering arrived on Sebastian Cocioba’s doorstep, it was affixed to the back of a post...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5
Unique Mars Levitating Bluetooth Speaker Now Available To Purchase For $329 (video)

Unique Mars Levitating Bluetooth Speaker Now Available To Purchase For $329 (video)

If you are in the market for a new Bluetooth speaker to listen to your tunes and are searching for something a little different, you might be interest...

Written by: Evanvinh
Rating 0.5