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White Rural America is DYING and why that's a GOOD thing!

White Rural America is DYING and why that's a GOOD thing!

This article was written by Shekelburg Poltov. The latest demographics from the census beureu shows that white americans are decreasing in the...

Written by: The GoldBerg Post
Rating 0.5
 The GoldBerg Post: Our mission!

The GoldBerg Post: Our mission!

This is our first article on 1stAmender and we will like to share our mission to our lovely future readers who would like to know more about us. ...

Written by: The GoldBerg Post
Rating 0.5
Gun Rights and the Venezuelan Tyranny.

Gun Rights and the Venezuelan Tyranny.

Most people take things for granted. It's the truth, most people are inclined to believe that their safety, their comfortable lives will remain as...

Written by: Venezuelanon
Rating 0.5
Free Will in the Age of Technology

Free Will in the Age of Technology

Have you ever thought about whether technology is good or bad for you? For society as a whole? For most people this in a non-question, why of course t...

Written by: Tusk
Rating 0.5
STAHL SEZ: Medium is a shitty website

STAHL SEZ: Medium is a shitty website

In the world of blogging there are many websites you can utilize. From the trashy paywall Wordpress to this beauty, all of them serve the same purpose...

Written by: Jorhan Brimve Stahl
Rating 0.5
I'm Tired of Dealing with Nazis

I'm Tired of Dealing with Nazis

I know when you look at this article you are probably thinking: "This must be some dumb SJW who is false-flagging some right-wing person." N...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
... and yet

... and yet

I feed my birds. Put water in their dish. Open the cage and let them fly around my house. I’ve tamed the cats to not paw at them when they fly n...

Written by: winston.oliver
Rating 0.5
Difference Between Republicans and Libertarians Is Explained with One Word

Difference Between Republicans and Libertarians Is Explained with One Word

Autonomy. Formally the definition referred as: "Freedom from external control or influence; independence." "But Mr. 1stAmender! R...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Why the Brits from the UK should flee to Syria.

Why the Brits from the UK should flee to Syria.

We know that Syrians flee to the United Kingdom for safety, a better future and more. But actually the British people should flee to Syria.   ...

Written by: Hezbololi
Rating 0.5
STAHL SEZ: Stop drinking tap water, I have a theory.

STAHL SEZ: Stop drinking tap water, I have a theory.

Don't drink the water. They put something in it to make you forget. Water fluoridation reduces your IQ by 20 points. Only a select few are immune....

Written by: Jorhan Brimve Stahl
Rating 0.5
STAHL REVYOOZ: he Dark Knight: The Ballad of the N Word

STAHL REVYOOZ: he Dark Knight: The Ballad of the N Word

This new Gangweed movie continues the story of The Pranker and his quest against women and minorities. It starts with a bang, him robbing an Epic game...

Written by: Jorhan Brimve Stahl
Rating 0.5


the effect of ideology on populations is basically one where the ideology creates a percieved reality such reality is fictitious in nature and pron...

Written by: kankerlekker
Rating 0.5
The American Left Are Idiots: OR: You Learn Something Every Day--Here’s a Lesson on Sumo Wrestling

The American Left Are Idiots: OR: You Learn Something Every Day--Here’s a Lesson on Sumo Wrestling

The American left is, to borrow a phrase from President Trump, “so sad”. After a very successful state visit to Japan, a Japanese agency p...

Written by: See Through Energy RV
Rating 0.5
Language and Politics behind the YouTube Bans

Language and Politics behind the YouTube Bans

In 1922 Ludwig Wittgenstein published his first work, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, in which he crucially stated that “The limits of my l...

Written by: Tusk
Rating 0.5
Doctored video claims trump mocked disabled reporter

Doctored video claims trump mocked disabled reporter

  1you’ve seen it repeated time and time again on TV ads for Hillary Clinton — the claim that Donald Trump&nbs...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Why Midget Slavery Should Be Legal

Why Midget Slavery Should Be Legal

We all know it to be true, so why don't we do something about it? Midgets do nothing productive exept for getting in the way of normal people...

Written by: KingCharles
Rating 0.5
I Am Running For President In 2024

I Am Running For President In 2024

A Few My Campaign Promises If Elected President    Legalize midget slavery (black midgets will be exempt, although they will not be allo...

Written by: KingCharles
Rating 0.5
Large Crowd Chanting "We Love Trump" in UK

Large Crowd Chanting "We Love Trump" in UK

x   1 / 1 Trump is no stranger to large crowds in the US. But he was greeted by large crowds in the UK on Monday.  Trumps a...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5



Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Media bias fact check

Media bias fact check

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection an /or political affiliation.  They ...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Compliments and Flattery

Compliments and Flattery

  When it comes to compliments and flattery, it’s easy to get the two confused. However, my latest podcast explores the difference b...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5



Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
The rising pro government socialist extremists

The rising pro government socialist extremists

extremism remains central to the “socialist” movement’s beliefs despite its widespread support for the obama administration  wh...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Why Does the Far  left Hold a Near-Monopoly on Political Violence?

Why Does the Far left Hold a Near-Monopoly on Political Violence?

Why Does the Far  left Hold a Near-Monopoly on Political Violence? Studies show that most people across the political spectrum abhor it. So wh...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Projections Show U.S. Could Fund The border wall For 400 Years Charging $1 To Punch Alexandria corte

Projections Show U.S. Could Fund The border wall For 400 Years Charging $1 To Punch Alexandria corte

  Tweet WASHINGTON  D.C. — A nonpartisan coalition of economists has published the findings of an intensive report they conducted&...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
American thinker

American thinker


Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
List of indictments and arrests under the obama administration

List of indictments and arrests under the obama administration

The list of corrupt Democrats being arrested and indicted is large    Because of the Obama regimes massive corruption and Scandals the...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5



Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Washington examiner

Washington examiner


Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Alexandria Cortez admits that her supporters are idiots: call her supporters

Alexandria Cortez admits that her supporters are idiots: call her supporters

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that the world will “end in 12 years” unless climate change is tackled was accepted as a fact ...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
If Government Can Take Inalienable Rights How is it Inalienable?

If Government Can Take Inalienable Rights How is it Inalienable?

The magistrate of United States yore would request unto its people to "...attend church every day, so lest to bring the ire of God and government...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
The Reasonable Argument to Vaccinations - Should Government Force It?

The Reasonable Argument to Vaccinations - Should Government Force It?

"You MUST vaccinate your children!" said the concerned public. "I believe that my child will suffer negatively if they take these va...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
The Trump Strategy

The Trump Strategy

Ever since the first day that the Russian connection was raised, Trump denied, tweeted, and spoke out against it.  Incessantly.  As it turne...

Written by: Riley Upshaw
Rating 0.5



Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5



Written by: copwatch
Rating 0.5
 A CEO broke the Rules!

A CEO broke the Rules!

"... Ricardo Semler is a CEO who decided to break the usual rules of coroporate decorum.  At age 21 he took over Semco, a family business in...

Written by: Marpo
Rating 0.5
Altruism Creates the Guillotine

Altruism Creates the Guillotine

It is through altruism, the benevolence of man, that the guillotine is made. But, Mr. 1stAmender. You must be crazy. Why, there is nothing wrong with ...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Feeling Devastated?

Feeling Devastated?

Are you feeling devastated? Welcome to the human race! The title of this blog, and the accompanying podcast by the same name, appear to have not...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5



Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Democrats 2020 strategy will be to resurrect racist conspiracy theories

Democrats 2020 strategy will be to resurrect racist conspiracy theories

Democrats' 2020 chances may depend on them resurrecting their Russian collusion conspiracy theories. They will likely claim to find something in t...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Facebook draws liberal ire for hiring the non partition ‘fact-checkers’ for once

Facebook draws liberal ire for hiring the non partition ‘fact-checkers’ for once

  • • • 12 • • • A nonct-checkin website  has partnered up with Facebook to police fake n...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
The Need to Fail in Order to Succeed

The Need to Fail in Order to Succeed

Yesterday I was reflecting on the affects that the Endangered Species Act has had on our bureaucratic methods of wildlife management and, naturally, m...

Written by: Riley Upshaw
Rating 0.5
Twitter Won’t Ban Racists Because It Would Affect  Democrat politicians

Twitter Won’t Ban Racists Because It Would Affect Democrat politicians

Twitter can’t ban black supremacists in the same way it has removed ISIS-affiliated terrorists from the platform because doing so would affect t...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to  left-wing extremism  according to new

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to left-wing extremism according to new

          left-wing extremism. • The report's findings are consistent with other fairly recent studies on e...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
A Speculative Observation on Gun Control Tactics

A Speculative Observation on Gun Control Tactics

Yesterday I was listening to yet another pair of self-proclaimed experts on the radio discussing the need for gun control.  What captivated me wa...

Written by: Riley Upshaw
Rating 0.5


L ...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5



Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5



Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5