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Popular Character Sans Is in Super Smash Brothers
Popular video game super smash bros is now introducing a new set of characters and costumes in the new nintendo direct. Fans of the game were surprise...
Written by: Special KPart 1, The Death of the Marketplace of Ideas.
To my libertarians brothers. Every part of me wants to look at you like an ally. I do. I love freedom, I love democracy, but I'm not jaded by s...
Written by: GKRWhat is DMT? N, N-Dimethyltryptamine is a chemical substance that occurs in many plants such as ayushca and animals and which is both a derivative ...
Written by: RonnyHeading Toward the Great Escape
Imagination allows us to escape the predictable. It enables us to reply to the common wisdom that we cannot soar by saying, 'Just watch!' ~ Bi...
Written by: Maura4uIs the Pelosi Village Image Real?
Alright. This is starting to bug me. Have you guys seen this picture going around on Facebook? I'm a seeker of truth, not dogma, regardless if it ...
Written by: The 1st AmenderCommon fallacies in the gun debate
Many people have brought in many points on both sides of the gun control debate. Additionally many of these viewpoints are drastically flawed, both fo...
Written by: The 1st AmenderLibertarians Hate This: The Entrenchment of the Liberal Corporate State
Thus, the final nail was put in the Libertarian coffin. I awoke this morning to be greeted with this headline from Market Watch: Maximizing sh...
Written by: Student000How Natural RIghts Come From Nature
Both Classical Liberals and Libertarians refer to an idea known as 'inalienable rights' or 'natural rights'. However, the...
Written by: Kant LonothewThe people that still hate Trump but liked obama only hate him because theyre sexist and racist h
The people that still hate Trump but liked obama only hate him because theyre sexist and racist accusations of racism generally need some...
Written by: OanThe Growth of the News Industry and The Rise of Political Bias
As time has passed, the sharing of information had evolved and grown to great lengths. With the newspaper, packets of information printed...
Written by: Kant LonothewAnarcho-Primitivism, The Age of Technology, and The Descent of Man's Mind
"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race." Theodore Kaczynski wrote this in the ...
Written by: Kant LonothewHormone Replacement Therapy - Should Parents Be Allowed to Offer to Children?
It is perfectly okay for someone to go through hormone replacement therapy under legitimate medical conditions. Issues like a man born with one testic...
Written by: The 1st AmenderJoin my political discord server
A server for free-thought debate and more. -social things -politics talk/informal debate -formal debate coming soon -weapons talk -gaming -activ...
Written by: RoccoPride Month 2019: Why CONSERVATIVES love GAY minority porn!
This article was written by George Lansky Right now you are probably scratching your head and wondering Isn't pride month o...
Written by: The GoldBerg PostMost of you, atleast the educated bunch of you, have heard of Columbine. If not I'll inform you. Columbine, also know as The Columbine School Mass...
Written by: Christopher""If there is hope," wrote Winston, "it lies in the proles."" This historic quote, from George Orwell's...
Written by: Kant LonothewIt was through the American Revolution against the nefarious Tories party that would fight representing the crown. It required many, not just individu...
Written by: The 1st AmenderThe Death of God and The Moral Decay of The West
In Friedrich Nietzsche's book, Thus Spake Zarathustra, the protagonist, thusly named Zarathrustra, remarks to himself how, after meet...
Written by: Kant LonothewRemember when you could imagine? Our earliest use of imagination could be found stepping into fantasy-filled images in children's picture books...
Written by: Maura4uDiscourse Happens When There is Wealth Inequality - Or More Accurately: Power Inequality
Power — In the sense of a political or social authority or control, especially exercised by a government or corporation — is what cau...
Written by: The 1st AmenderThe Rise of Extremism in America
Through these past 4 years, we have seen a greater rise in the fringe groups of both the left and right commiting atrocious acts for thei...
Written by: Kant LonothewThe problem with Copyright Law
There is a problem with copyright law. Take this example: Bob wants to play Generic Man's Platforming Adventure on the NES. Easy enough, right? E...
Written by: danielthenerd42The Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act is Indian Ethnic Nepotism
The Fairness For High-skilled Immigrants act is just a taste of what's to come in an increasingly diverse America. What is the Fairness For Hig...
Written by: Student000Inalienable rights was (and still is) a concept born and understood during the enlightenment period. The first instances of this came from the concept...
Written by: The 1st AmenderCapitalism Hasn't Failed. Here's Why.
This is a common debate among people who basically either have never taken a course of economics in their life, or have lived a nihilistic lifestyle a...
Written by: The 1st AmenderPiecing Together The Boomer World Order (The 60s Revolution)
The Boomer World Order is a term I use as a stand-in to describe a certain moral vision of the world which primarily gained prominence during the 1960...
Written by: Student000 is a new media sharing platform that promotes diversity of thought and freedom of speech. Submi...
Written by: UnsilencedVoiceThe Fate of America Is Liberal Corporate Tyranny (Woke Capital)
The emergence of Liberal Corporate Tyranny is perhaps the greatest argument against capitalism and I predict that this will be a central goad which wi...
Written by: Student000Libertarianism: The Utopian Mind Made Manifest
Why has Liberterianism become so popular among millenials? It's easy to presume that the adoption of Libertarian values among millenials is indica...
Written by: Student000How To Become an IT Millionaire Within 3 years
Today we learn how to go from € 40 in your bank to IT millionaire in 3 years. Elon Musk is successful for no reason. He has an intensive daily sc...
Written by: HezbololiThe Changing Face of the Democratic Party
The picture above is a screenshot of a comical exchange between Beto O'rourke and Corey Booker during last nights (6/26/19) Democratic Party presi...
Written by: Student000Have you ever wondered if it was hot? It can be quite a difficult thing to discern. Luckily there are two simple questions you can ask yourself to con...
Written by: Wued WienerI'm a Conservative Fundamentally Who Went Full Libertarian - Here's How
I loved the Republican party and joined my local republican party. I voted for McCain and then again for Mitt Romney. Believed in liberty. Anti-tax...
Written by: The 1st AmenderWhy Separation of Church & State? Why Can't My Child Learn Christianity in School?
The magistrate of olde — the divine ruler not only by state but by God, lay claim into the community. Enforcement of morality by justified means...
Written by: The 1st AmenderThe purpose of madness is one that can be argued for millenia. To our rational minds, madness is a barrier, a wall blocking our way from ...
Written by: Kant LonothewThe Surefire Way To Destroy the Mind, Body, and Soul — To Not Work
In the past I had everything taken care of. Namely, having to go to college. I got a grant to be able to go to college and begin my studies — pl...
Written by: The 1st AmenderWhen one speaks of madness, a plethora of different examples could be the center point, whether it's schizophrenia or psychosis to st...
Written by: Kant LonothewMy Beliefs in Pride Month As A Bi Male
I honestly find Pride month to be a load of shit. There really is no reason for it, the LGBTQ community isn't oppressed. They haven't been for...
Written by: Jorhan Brimve StahlThe Myth of Australian Gun Control
There is a nefarious and untrue rumour globally that Australia in its infinite wisdom banned firearms and crime quite literally stopped. If you didn&r...
Written by: Tusk