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Libertarian Socialism

Libertarian Socialism

Libertarianism is today a term in common parlance associated with individual liberty and property rights. It is often asserted by socialists that the ...

Written by: ProbablyTim
Rating 0.5
Monkeyville - A Tale of Capitalism

Monkeyville - A Tale of Capitalism

monkey is born in monkeyville. in monkeyville, rights of monkey are respected. monkey transaction must be voluntary, and monkey shall not harm other m...

Written by: Otallu
Rating 0.5
Natural Monopolies and the Failures of Government Interventionism:   A five-part critique of modern interventionist economics

Natural Monopolies and the Failures of Government Interventionism: A five-part critique of modern interventionist economics

“The very term "public utility" … is an absurd one. Every good is useful "to the public," and almost every good &hell...

Written by: Liam Thomas
Rating 0.5
What closed minded people don't understand about tattoo cultures from around the world in the 2

What closed minded people don't understand about tattoo cultures from around the world in the 2

so I'm writing this cause my friend Jess Day from West Haven high school is a tattoo artist at key's on kite in News Haven Connecticut. I...

Written by: Irezumi1992
Rating 0.5
Why Teddy Roosevelt Would Beat Winston Churchill in a fight.

Why Teddy Roosevelt Would Beat Winston Churchill in a fight.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are some of the things that our country was founded upon. But there is a 4th thing. That fourt...

Written by: NateBuildsWalls
Rating 0.5
Writing Contest for Blue Politics Discord

Writing Contest for Blue Politics Discord

Come one come all with heavy opinions! I, 1stAmender, is holding a contest for who can write the best article on my self-developed website https://1st...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
The Election Wasn't Stolen

The Election Wasn't Stolen

Usually when I go around looking for facts I can honestly start by looking at articles.  It doesn't really matter what article it is or where...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Not Wearing a Facemask in Heavily Populated Areas Breaks the Non-Aggression Principle

Not Wearing a Facemask in Heavily Populated Areas Breaks the Non-Aggression Principle

Non-aggression principle: You do not act with aggression on others unless acted on with aggression. This is a common axiom that is touted among Lib...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
ABC's of NOW - Second Installment for Global Change

ABC's of NOW - Second Installment for Global Change

Greetings, all! If you haven’t already tuned in, I invite you to join me as we “re-visit” the alphabet during these exciting,...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
The ABC's of NOW: Epic Change and a Wonderful World Ahead (if you can stand it)!

The ABC's of NOW: Epic Change and a Wonderful World Ahead (if you can stand it)!

None can deny it. We are experiencing an era of unprecedented, even epoch, change! However, when change occurs, we’re often met with unce...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Growing Our Emotional Intelligence

Growing Our Emotional Intelligence

No one will doubt we're collectively experiencing a topsy-turvy world. Living with uncertainty has become the new norm. Adaptation is rapidly e...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Asking Questions and Being a Light!

Asking Questions and Being a Light!

  We’ve all been there. We started out small, arrivals to a world outside the womb. And soon, we were brimming with all kinds of ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Slavery is NOT Capitalism and Here's Why

Slavery is NOT Capitalism and Here's Why

There have been many debates I have been involved with over this topic. It turns to be a constant area of "refutations" that it has become e...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Investing for the crash

Investing for the crash

As the economy has been in an artificial boom for decades now, with a few hiccups (like the .com bubble and the 2008 housing crash) immediately &ldquo...

Written by: Jonathan Schloss
Rating 0.5
Ba'athism and modern white nationalism

Ba'athism and modern white nationalism

For those of you who don't know Ba'athism is a political ideology originating from the writings of Michael Aflaq and Zaki Al-Arsuzi. Ba'at...

Written by: Arpad
Rating 0.5


They got my boy ...

Written by: jahito
Rating 0.5
Tux Racer Version 0.1a released

Tux Racer Version 0.1a released

After 22 years, the devs say soon they will be ready to announce pre-alpha stage. This truly is an exciting time in the linux community. Be sure to cl...

Written by: mario
Rating 0.5
New Controversial World of Warcraft Expansion lands Blizzard in Hot Water.

New Controversial World of Warcraft Expansion lands Blizzard in Hot Water.

Blizzard has gone and done it again! Last night the highly anticipated orc update for the hit MMORPG, World of Warcraft released, but with something g...

Written by: mario
Rating 0.5
fuck niggers lmao

fuck niggers lmao

My wife kuro is very cute ...

Written by: jahito
Rating 0.5
teen cum cum cum fuck cum

teen cum cum cum fuck cum https://ww...

Written by: password
Rating 0.5
This is a headline

This is a headline

A good example of how to mow. ...

Written by: rawtexter
Rating 0.5
Stallman angry at alleged Tux Racer Non Free Software

Stallman angry at alleged Tux Racer Non Free Software

It is alleged that one line of code is not under the GPL, but under the MIT license. Stallman as many know is an advocate of the Free software. ...

Written by:
Is Black Lives Matter Libertarian?

Is Black Lives Matter Libertarian?

One of the recent discussions among Libertarians has been whether or not Black Lives Matter is a Libertarian thought. Which to some who listen, inhere...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
What Do You Stand For?

What Do You Stand For?

  Making a point in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Building In a world that angles for our attention, anger, partiality and strife . ....

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
gateway pundit

gateway pundit


Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
the gateway pundit

the gateway pundit

l ...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Why don't people vote Libertarian?

Why don't people vote Libertarian?

As a Libertarian myself, I want to do everything I can to help spread Liberty. I joined my local county Libertarian party, we promote and push for Lib...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
The only truth that matters

The only truth that matters

“The Truth doesn’t give a shit about your feelings sweetheart!”   Those words came out of my mouth during a recent discus...

Written by: i-am-e
Rating 0.5
Why I am a Minarchist and not an Anarcho-Capitalist

Why I am a Minarchist and not an Anarcho-Capitalist

It is quite common that I get into a debate or discussion with other Libertarians. I find that many Libertarians have very different viewpoints on how...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Chatting Up Happiness with Happiness Guy Gary King

Chatting Up Happiness with Happiness Guy Gary King

Posing with Happiness Guy Gary King and one of his many HAPPINESS signs Is it possible to look at the word HAPPINESS and not feel just a tad bi...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Did ex-intelligence chief Clapper say FBI spied on Trump campaign?

Did ex-intelligence chief Clapper say FBI spied on Trump campaign?

President Donald Trump has hinted that the Obama administration inserted a mole in his presidential campaign to undercut his candidacy. In an early mo...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Was Trump a 'draft dodger’?

Was Trump a 'draft dodger’?

With his signature flair for controversy billionaire Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump challenged the Vietnam War service credentials of ...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Fact check: isTrump right about Puerto Rico over-inflated numbers?

Fact check: isTrump right about Puerto Rico over-inflated numbers?

Democrats and the media have been pounding President Donald Trump over the past few days as Hurricane Florence nears the Carolinas ...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Fact check. Obama’s claim that hes responsible for good economy

Fact check. Obama’s claim that hes responsible for good economy

President Obama has been taking credit for the historically good economic numbers that are occurring under the Trump administration in a series of spe...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
What is Russiagate? A guide to the conspiracy theory taking hold among Hillary supporters

What is Russiagate? A guide to the conspiracy theory taking hold among Hillary supporters

Signs and T-shirts emblazoned with some variation of the anti russia rhetoric dotted a protest Against Donald Trump Russiagate is the conspiracy th...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Study finds hillary voters really were sexist: hated men

Study finds hillary voters really were sexist: hated men

play has brought parts of the 2016 presidential debates to the stage but with an added twist: Donald Trump is played by a woman while Hillary Clinton ...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Democrats again engage in voter suppression in Wyoming

Democrats again engage in voter suppression in Wyoming

Democrats pretending to be Republican for primary day just chose the next Republican candidate for governor in America’s reddest state. Wyoming ...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Cnn Is NOT News: Network’s Own Ads Label Its Programming As 'Entertainment'

Cnn Is NOT News: Network’s Own Ads Label Its Programming As 'Entertainment'

Most Americans don’t need Cnn to inform them that the network is a rabidly partisan left-wing propaganda machine. However it’s nice of the...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
2020: New Year Awaits an Old Kind of Eyesight Known as Hindsight

2020: New Year Awaits an Old Kind of Eyesight Known as Hindsight

  Welcome to 2020, a year I'm crediting to an emerging -- if somewhat resistant -- form of eyesight known as hindsight. Unlike thos...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Is There Objective Morality?

Is There Objective Morality?

I ask people around me, is there objective morality? Moreover, what is the importance of this question? In reality, this question may be more importan...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Faith and the Family

Faith and the Family

   In recent years, we have now been able to see a trend of people straying either to Individualism or Collectivism, in both of their many f...

Written by: Kant Lonothew
Rating 0.5
I Discovered Happiness at the Cosmos Hotel in Moldova

I Discovered Happiness at the Cosmos Hotel in Moldova

Moldova’s Cosmos Hotel at Night I discovered a welcome gift of happiness while visiting Moldova and it was packaged in the Cosmos Hotel. ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
The origins of the quid pro quo conspiracy theory

The origins of the quid pro quo conspiracy theory

Like two rabid dogs fighting over the same rotten bone- the Democrats are in the middle of a civil war over impeachment. The Democrat leadership wants...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Pelosi and the Dems ambushed American democracy — but Republicans won't fight back

Pelosi and the Dems ambushed American democracy — but Republicans won't fight back

Pelosi and the DEMS ambushed American democracy — but Republicans won't fight back Pelosi is actively trying to destroy democracy. Trump ...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Fact Check: Kamala Harris Falsely Claims Women ‘Not Paid Equal For Equal Work

Fact Check: Kamala Harris Falsely Claims Women ‘Not Paid Equal For Equal Work

Speaking on stage at the fifth Democrat presidential debate in Atlanta today presidential contender Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) cited the widely-debunke...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Fact check: adam schiffs fact-challengedclaims that the whistleblower has a right to anonymity

Fact check: adam schiffs fact-challengedclaims that the whistleblower has a right to anonymity

“I am concerned about a bad-faith effort to out a whistleblower who has a statutory right to remain anonymous.” — Rep. Adam B. Sc...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Opinion: Just saying you're transgender, doesn't make you transgender.

Opinion: Just saying you're transgender, doesn't make you transgender.

I could count on my fingers how many years it's been since the conversation was about homosexual couples being allowed to marry. I could count on ...

Written by: Kaius Foxx
Rating 0.5
Does the document released by the White House have a disclaimer that it's  "not a transcri

Does the document released by the White House have a disclaimer that it's "not a transcri

The document which the White House has been released for some time and the story you’re getting from the left is that the document says that it&...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
The Nightmare Scenario: Democrats Lose in 2020 and Refuse to Concede

The Nightmare Scenario: Democrats Lose in 2020 and Refuse to Concede

The Nightmare Scenario: Democrats Lose in 2020 and Refuse to Concede Hillarys baseless election interference claims have experts worried Democrats ...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
The Young Turks founder Cenk Uygur has announced his run for congress.

The Young Turks founder Cenk Uygur has announced his run for congress.

The founder of daily progressive podcast The Young Turks has announced his run for congress. Just today, he has raised over $100,000 worth of campaign...

Written by: Kaius Foxx
Rating 0.5