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Feeling Devastated?

Feeling Devastated?

Are you feeling devastated? Welcome to the human race! The title of this blog, and the accompanying podcast by the same name, appear to have not...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
The Need to Fail in Order to Succeed

The Need to Fail in Order to Succeed

Yesterday I was reflecting on the affects that the Endangered Species Act has had on our bureaucratic methods of wildlife management and, naturally, m...

Written by: Riley Upshaw
Rating 0.5
A Speculative Observation on Gun Control Tactics

A Speculative Observation on Gun Control Tactics

Yesterday I was listening to yet another pair of self-proclaimed experts on the radio discussing the need for gun control.  What captivated me wa...

Written by: Riley Upshaw
Rating 0.5
Walking in Integrity

Walking in Integrity

    With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so yo...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Pursuing Truth in an Age of Deceit

Pursuing Truth in an Age of Deceit

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” ~ George Orwell George Orwell, famed author o...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Suffering from Cognitive Dissonance?

Suffering from Cognitive Dissonance?

"The most lies we will ever tell in our lives will be to ourselves."  ~ Carla H. Krueger Ouch! If there's one thing we do...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Conspiracy Theory or Logical Conclusion

Conspiracy Theory or Logical Conclusion

Conspiracy theories aren't new and there isn't much that I could add to the discussion of the phenomena. However what I have noticed and I am ...

Written by: Voice
Rating 0.5
Have You Been Framed?

Have You Been Framed?

“I’ve been framed!” Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the old expression: “I’ve been framed!” ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Do Humans Have Free Will? Answering Destiny's (Twitch Debater) Thoughts -- No Free Will?

Do Humans Have Free Will? Answering Destiny's (Twitch Debater) Thoughts -- No Free Will?

Destiny this article is written personally to you. I'm a hardcore laissez-faire capitalist who has frequented your Twitch chat and have had fantas...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
How To Stop Racism Dead In Its Tracks

How To Stop Racism Dead In Its Tracks

Racism by definition: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's o...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Have A Very Merry Christmas - From The Libertarian Douche

Have A Very Merry Christmas - From The Libertarian Douche

I wasn't sure about what to write today. What with this good will and cheer, it left me with little a sour mood in the moment to get into ins...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Creating Cheer

Creating Cheer

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world and, behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”   ~ Norman Vincent Peale...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Merry Christmas - From the Rationally Selfish

Merry Christmas - From the Rationally Selfish

It comes from a Libertarian to call themselves a rationally selfish individual. I also want to be clear: I do not speak to the collective mass off the...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Prostitution Should Be Legal - Here's Why

Prostitution Should Be Legal - Here's Why

You have seen and heard all the horrid instances of prostitution. Women being abused, men abusing them, using a woman for her body instead of valuing ...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Mr. Libertarian: What About The Roads? Who's Going to Pay for The Roads?

Mr. Libertarian: What About The Roads? Who's Going to Pay for The Roads?

This is a classic argument that gets posed to me as a Libertarian (Oh the humanity, he's a Libertarian). Other people who are right or left wing l...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
How is The Free Exchange of Ideas Nazi?

How is The Free Exchange of Ideas Nazi?

I was just pondering on the freedom of speech today and saw this picture posted on the Libertarian Reddit: Unto which it came to the realizatio...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
The Libertarian Stance on Abortion - A Rough Deal

The Libertarian Stance on Abortion - A Rough Deal

Let me first start out by saying: Nothing divides Libertarians up more than the Libertarian stances of abortion. This has been a personal battle for m...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Thanksgiving: The Fliip Side

Thanksgiving: The Fliip Side

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ~ Melody Beattie   NOTE:...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Joining Libertarian Meetings - My Experience

Joining Libertarian Meetings - My Experience

Sometimes it's about making some presence. While I cannot make a change with a fell swoop of my arm, I can at least provide my own input. My own i...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Who Will You Be?

Who Will You Be?

“To be or not to be, that is the question.” ~ William Shakespeare Remember being asked, “What do you want to be when you gro...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
The Scroll of Life

The Scroll of Life

“The soul that is within me, no man can degrade.” ~ Frederick Douglass It took a man like Frederick Douglass to pen the above quote...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Creating Inspiration for Ourselves

Creating Inspiration for Ourselves

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” ~ Jimmy Dean If ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Sex, Guilt and Our Universal Need for Due Process

Sex, Guilt and Our Universal Need for Due Process

There’s a need for universal due process. One day, we may need it ourselves and hope and pray for its fair application. What is Due Process? ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
We Were QUEENS (And Still Are)

We Were QUEENS (And Still Are)

Aight ,FIRST OFF let me just say this: yes their was kings too BUT 👏 THIS 👏 AINT 👏 ABOUT 👏 YOU 👏 There...

Written by: Rwanda Johnson
Rating 0.5
Thou Shalt Commit Logical Fallacies

Thou Shalt Commit Logical Fallacies

In the realm of public opinion, it does not matter so much that one is right, but rather that one is perceived as such. The methods used to ar...

Written by: Ramtide
Rating 0.5
The Contemporary Public Square Act, (or CPA)

The Contemporary Public Square Act, (or CPA)

           The core of the United States of America is the Bill of Rights enshrined in the Constitut...

Written by: Ardent Debater
Rating 0.5
Are You Responsible?

Are You Responsible?

  In today’s society, the idea of responsibility is hardly a common theme. To the contrary, we are often engaged in the on-going ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Killing Police Officer Should Be Mandatory Death Sentence?

Killing Police Officer Should Be Mandatory Death Sentence?


Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Theory: The Russia Investigation Was Not Meant To Stop Trump

Theory: The Russia Investigation Was Not Meant To Stop Trump

As I type these words, the American people are still reeling from the testimony of Agent Peter Strzok in front of the House Judiciary Committee. Specu...

Written by: Paranoia7
Rating 0.5
Do We Demand Our Rights to Freedom or Do We Sit By?

Do We Demand Our Rights to Freedom or Do We Sit By?

After having been a part of this website, a libertarian-based blog platform, it has come to my attention that not everyone is in tune with what it mea...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Podcast 134: Who Won?

Podcast 134: Who Won?

  Our minds are often focused on who won, whether it’s an argument, a contest, a competition, or some form of control. How can we...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Judging Equitably

Judging Equitably

  Edit article "Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt Are you truly equal-min...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Happy Mothers Day to Moms in the Flesh -- and Spirit, Too!

Happy Mothers Day to Moms in the Flesh -- and Spirit, Too!

NOTE: This is a reprint of an earlier post I wrote in honor of Mothers Day. It is aimed not just at traditional mothers who have borne children after ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
I Am So F***ing Tired of Censorship

I Am So F***ing Tired of Censorship

I've seen so much censorship lately. It has almost been this popular trend to be as politically correct as possible. More and more I am seeing 3rd...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Pointing out Hypocrisy is like Jerking Off: It Feels Good but Gets Nothing Done

Pointing out Hypocrisy is like Jerking Off: It Feels Good but Gets Nothing Done

              In this new age of Hypernormalization (Thank you Adam Curtis), the biza...

Written by: Tylenol with MDMA
Rating 0.5
Sharing Your 5D Message

Sharing Your 5D Message

How powerful are you in conveying your most important life message and are you extending that message through 5D? For those accustomed to living an...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Feeding the Body -- and the Soul

Feeding the Body -- and the Soul

“I get way too much happiness from good food.” – Elizabeth Olsen   Most of us know how happy a great meal makes us fe...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
I Believe that We Earn a Soul

I Believe that We Earn a Soul

You are not ever born with a soul. You are born with a mind, and a body, and you are just this fleshy little ball of reaction and instinct. You don...

Written by: grayman
Rating 0.5
Connecting to Essence and Life Purpose

Connecting to Essence and Life Purpose

The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love, which includes not only others but ourselves as well. ~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Time to Choose Happiness

Time to Choose Happiness

If you’ve been waiting for happiness to “happen,” it might be time for you to choose anew! It might be time to choose the happiness ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Suffering Loss or Garnering Gain?

Suffering Loss or Garnering Gain?

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” ~ Norman Cousins Have you ever feared...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Holidays and Favorite Things

Holidays and Favorite Things

“I love to laugh, and laughter is one of my favorite things. When you have a really good laugh, you feel great afterwards.” ~ Bill Eng...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Preparing for Success

Preparing for Success

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”  ~ Seneca Are you waiting on elusive luck or preparing your own success...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
The Power of Stories in Our Lives

The Power of Stories in Our Lives

“Stories bring us from one reality to another.” ~ Trinda Latherow   Since early childhood, I’ve loved the power of st...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
What Are You Afraid Of?

What Are You Afraid Of?

“If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” ~ Dale Carnegie When people encounter me t...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Mastering the Garden of Your Mind

Mastering the Garden of Your Mind

“Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.” ~ Anonymous  What’s the c...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Over-Empowerment in Games

Over-Empowerment in Games

I've noticed recently that a lot of big, triple A game franchises are focusing more on the "good guy" faction being this power house and...

Written by: grayman
Rating 0.5
Antidote for Limited Sight

Antidote for Limited Sight

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”  ~ Helen Keller When our vision is limited on the insid...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Can The News Stop Talking About Shootings?

Can The News Stop Talking About Shootings?

I say this in the best of ways.  While we can get into the overall collectivism about how we should get rid of guns like this -- I won't play...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
An Analytical Diatribe on the State of Nintendo in 2017

An Analytical Diatribe on the State of Nintendo in 2017

The fact that so many books still name The Company and Developers of Nintendo as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" game...

Written by: JournalisticGamerGuy
Rating 0.5
The Gods of tomorrow.

The Gods of tomorrow.

Those of you who care enough to tell others they are wrong; you will be the gods of tomorrow. There will be no "Allah", no "Jesus Ch...

Written by: Stubborn Deer
Rating 0.5