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Blame the News

Blame the News

Most if not all of the conflict, anger, salt, and general discourse can be sourced back to mass outlets of information. Ie, the news. Political, we...

Written by: grayman
Rating 0.5
The Accidental Conspiracy

The Accidental Conspiracy

This has been a small theory in my mind for a while now, but I'd like to share it with the internet. For a long time now I've noticed that,...

Written by: grayman
Rating 0.5
Something's Gonna Give

Something's Gonna Give

For a while now I've been afraid of civil conflict in my country. The two sides to start it: the right and the left. People like me, my family,...

Written by: grayman
Rating 0.5
Irma: Looking into the Eye of a Hurricane

Irma: Looking into the Eye of a Hurricane

What do you do when facing some of your biggest fears? With Hurricane Irma just hours away from approaching our Tampa Bay, Florida home, I became i...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
PEACE Makers: Being the Change We Wish to See in the World

PEACE Makers: Being the Change We Wish to See in the World

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." ~ Gandhi As each of us contemplates the seeming chaos and division around us, we're co...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Is the Golden Rule Still Golden?

Is the Golden Rule Still Golden?

The Law of Reciprocity Remember the Golden Rule? It’s the credo we learned as children, reminding us to do unto others as we would have them...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5


Soul singer Aretha Franklin struck a common musical and social chord in 1967 when she released her mega hit entitled, Respect.  In truth, we ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Emoji is dragging us back to the dark ages – and all we can do is smile

Emoji is dragging us back to the dark ages – and all we can do is smile

This article is not written by myself. The original article is here. You can view it at any time to support their site. The entire purpose of this is ...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Reclaiming Your Reality

Reclaiming Your Reality

“By changing your reality, you change everything.” ~ Anonymous What does reality look like to you? I recorded this latest podcast a...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Fixing SNAP: Adding Lobster and Steak Budgets

Fixing SNAP: Adding Lobster and Steak Budgets

              While the title is pure clickbait, I do have a proposal to help SNAP re...

Written by: Tylenol with MDMA
Rating 0.5
Be happy now because tomorrow you are dying (Spice, K2)

Be happy now because tomorrow you are dying (Spice, K2)

Marijuana is an interesting drug. It’s mostly harmless. People under twenty one shouldn’t be consuming it recreationally because there can...

Written by: Tylenol with MDMA
Rating 0.5
Corporate Cock Tastes Worse than Government Cock

Corporate Cock Tastes Worse than Government Cock

              Libertarians are louder than ever. ‘Government has failed us. Gov...

Written by: Tylenol with MDMA
Rating 0.5
OMG Reading!

OMG Reading!

The story behind my name: Honeymoon Reader. I really never read anything growing up. It didn't interest me to read even one paragraph. I t...

Written by: honeymoon reader
Rating 0.5
When Stubbornness is a Good Thing

When Stubbornness is a Good Thing

“It gives me great pleasure indeed to see the stubbornness of an incorrigible nonconformist warmly acclaimed.” ~ Albert Einstein Can...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Authority or Influence: Which Will You Choose?

Authority or Influence: Which Will You Choose?

NOTE: The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book, Favorite Influence and Leadership Quotes. Have you appropriated the magic that arises fro...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Reflecting on the Timeless Wisdom of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Reflecting on the Timeless Wisdom of Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.” - Martin Luther King, Jr. More t...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Finding Your Billionaire Lifestyle

Finding Your Billionaire Lifestyle

My initiative is helping others to discover and develop their life, calling and their passions – not how to pursue a billion dollar bank account...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Finding Peace on EArth

Finding Peace on EArth

What if everything you’ve ever been searching for has been hiding in your heart? It is. In a world fraught with dissension, confusion and ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
When You Consider A Smoker Is Not A Person

When You Consider A Smoker Is Not A Person

As it turns out - a lot of what was said by the government regarding smoking was correct in the 70's.  This prompted plenty of legislati...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Free, Alive and Identity-Wise

Free, Alive and Identity-Wise

“In the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity.”  ~ Erik Erikson ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Politics, Polarity and Peace

Politics, Polarity and Peace

  “Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There’s going to be stress in life, but it’s your choice whether you l...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
The Bastard Returns...

The Bastard Returns...

It has been a while, hasn't it? The Bastard has not spoken in several months as things have intensified in regards to the U.S. Presidential Electi...

Written by: Bastard
Rating 0.5
An Addendum for ‘What Sort of America Will We be After November 8th?’

An Addendum for ‘What Sort of America Will We be After November 8th?’

‘Time discovers truth’ Lucius Annaeus Seneca ‘A truth spoken before its time is dangerous’ Anonymous ‘Villains who...

Written by: KidKoon
Rating 0.5
What Sort of America Will We Be After November 8th?

What Sort of America Will We Be After November 8th?

I'm certain that for anyone who has been closely following this Presidential Election there is one question which has been a source of constant un...

Written by: KidKoon
Rating 0.5
Need Something Better? Become a Culture Creator!

Need Something Better? Become a Culture Creator!

“A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi If you’re anything like me, ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
How Much Money Do We Really Need

How Much Money Do We Really Need

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” ~ Henry David Thoreau Is money the true source of life and happiness? Have...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Gary Johnson: Take a Deep Breath, Voters. There Is a Third Way.

Gary Johnson: Take a Deep Breath, Voters. There Is a Third Way.

This article is written by Gary Johnson - Please support the original by checking out the original source.

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
The Best Anti-Gun Policy Ever

The Best Anti-Gun Policy Ever

We've all heard of various good people wanting to restrict the existence of guns.  We have heard it all from CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, et cetera....

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
You May Want To Read The Statue of Liberty's Plaque

You May Want To Read The Statue of Liberty's Plaque

In the wake of the disaster that is the U.S.A. foreign policy, we see constantly the rights of human beings being questioned and torn apart.  I s...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Racial Pride and Guilt on The Rise

Racial Pride and Guilt on The Rise

This article is being made in a response to That Guy T's video for racial pride.  I recommend scrolling down and checking out that video prio...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
How To Not Be A Loser

How To Not Be A Loser

This is really directed at my two nephews. There are plenty of advice pieces out there that claim to have the secret to becoming a success, I'm mo...

Written by: Craig Bragg
Rating 0.5
Peadophiles: What's up with that?

Peadophiles: What's up with that?

This is a pretty strong topic for me, so, disclaimer: There will be strong content and ideas in this article. If you can't handle it, get out now....

Written by: The Womb
Rating 0.5
Feminism: your shit's getting old

Feminism: your shit's getting old

Hello there dear reader, I am The Womb. You don't know me and that's fine, but you will, I hope, come to know me in time. For my first article...

Written by: The Womb
Rating 0.5
Watching A Coup Live

Watching A Coup Live

Honestly, this is going to be a fucking hell of a time no matter how the coup turns out. And watching it live makes me feel like I'm on "Netw...

Written by: Channe_Fox
Rating 0.5
Europe Is Dead Part Two: Across The Pond

Europe Is Dead Part Two: Across The Pond

Recently on the Twitter grapevine, a rumor concerning Twin Rivers Idaho came in the form of a city council video with people asking questions about a ...

Written by: Channe_Fox
Rating 0.5
The USA Created Terrorism

The USA Created Terrorism

I can tell you immediately from the bottom of my heart that I am not a 'muslim sympathizer'.  The atrocious acts created by ISIS is by no...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
A Response to the He for She Campaign

A Response to the He for She Campaign

Ms. Watson, I regret to inform you that I and my glowing cock are unable to accept your invitation to join your He for She Campaign and Feminism in ge...

Written by: Bastard
Rating 0.5
You're First in the Community

You're First in the Community

If you are reading this, that means you are the first in this community of 1stamender.  You can officially say when it comes 10 years down the li...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Trump is Against Vaccines-ish: So What?

Trump is Against Vaccines-ish: So What?

Trump believes that there is a causal link between vaccine dosage, and Autism. Wow. After Andrew Wakefield, the asshole who started all this has been ...

Written by: Channe_Fox
Rating 0.5
Writting Sober: And Why Jus In Bello Is Obselete.

Writting Sober: And Why Jus In Bello Is Obselete.

Jus In Bello is part of "Just War Theory". And the name itself is retarded for two reasons: 1. War is inherently unjust. 2. Some made ...

Written by: Channe_Fox
Rating 0.5
The "Prophet" Mohommad Was A Pig Fucker: A Response To Orlando

The "Prophet" Mohommad Was A Pig Fucker: A Response To Orlando

To the virtue signallers, regressives, and Islamophiles, dont pretend to care about us Faggots, you are scum. To the moderate Muslims, no one cares ab...

Written by: Channe_Fox
Rating 0.5
After Orlando...

After Orlando...

I hadn't planned on publishing another article so soon after my initial opinion piece. But waking to the news of 50 dead at an Orlando gay night c...

Written by: Bastard
Rating 0.5
A Transgender Remedy

A Transgender Remedy

I thought I would start my opinion pieces out with a rather touchy subject. But I suspect it is a good point to start from as I have yet to see anyone...

Written by: Bastard
Rating 0.5
Artist Draws Trump's Penis - Gets Banned on Facebook

Artist Draws Trump's Penis - Gets Banned on Facebook

This NSFW rendering of Donald Trump is the subject of a social media shit storm that resulted in the artist losing access to her Facebook account. ...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Europe Is Dead, Get Packing.

Europe Is Dead, Get Packing.

Yes people, Europe as a continent of various cultures and nations unified under a drive toward freedom after one of the most brutal wars in history, i...

Written by: Channe_Fox
Rating 0.5
Mark Shillerburg, How Facebook's CEO is selling out the West.

Mark Shillerburg, How Facebook's CEO is selling out the West.

Mark Zuckerburg, oh how I hate ye, let me count the ways 1. working with a surveillince state that make PRISM look like a shotty cctv camera in a g...

Written by: Channe_Fox
Rating 0.5
I cant just be a Fag anymore, and I hate it.

I cant just be a Fag anymore, and I hate it.

Time for identity politics, haven't even done an article with a single original thought and I'm already whoring my personal shit out with clic...

Written by: Channe_Fox
Rating 0.5
OP is a faggot

OP is a faggot

Once again it seems that the age old scriptures are true. OP is indeed a faggot. Remember to upvote and donate if you enjoy this article. ...

Written by: Anonymous211134545
Rating 0.5
OP sucks cocks

OP sucks cocks

OP sucks cocks ...

Written by: OP sucks cocks
Rating 0.5
The Oldschool Runescape

The Oldschool Runescape

This soundtrack has a fuckton of tunes, 490 to be exact. Ian Taylor fucking pumped this amount out in less than four years and the amount of quality i...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Black Lives Matter - I'm Sick of You Niggas

Black Lives Matter - I'm Sick of You Niggas

On May 28th of 2016, a commonly known anarcho-capitalist gave his own responses to how he felt on black lives matter.  This anarcho-capitalist...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5