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Results for H

The HQ

The HQ

Many are unaware of the Hibernian question. Most people go after the jews and pose a question to them. However the Irish also have a huge influence on...

Written by: AG
Rating 0.5
Pedo Apologists 1st Amender continue to Defend Vaush's Pedophilia

Pedo Apologists 1st Amender continue to Defend Vaush's Pedophilia

1st Amender has claimed that he doesn't protect Vaush or other pedos on his server despite the fact he bans anyone who complains that he is giving...

Written by: 2ndamender
Rating 0.5
USA Today

USA Today


Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
American thinker

American thinker


Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
USA Today

USA Today


Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5


Image: New York Bodega introduces the "Jup Cup", after beverages its size were banned for years. Written by Daniél Perez Antonio d...

Written by: The Coyote Journal
Rating 0.5


JOE BIDEN PROCLAIMS "THE IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS HAS BEEN AVERTED" after talks with Kevin McCarthy reach a conclusion on discussions on...

Written by: The Coyote Journal
Rating 0.5


Written by Weighlon Tusk, technology correspondent at The Coyote Journal. ON MAY 24, 2022, FLORIDA GOVERNOR RON DESANTIS D...

Written by: The Coyote Journal
Rating 0.5
Better Get Ready!

Better Get Ready!

Few will deny that we’re living through unprecedented times and seasons! In launching my special ABC’s of NOW podcast series, I ori...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
On the Rights of Trans People

On the Rights of Trans People

Trans people have been getting attacked lately all across the web. The desire and the acknowledgement of trans people have been frequently fought agai...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
It Really Was a Friend Server, but I'm Afraid You Made an Avalance That Cannot Be Stopped

It Really Was a Friend Server, but I'm Afraid You Made an Avalance That Cannot Be Stopped

I have no hatred towards Blue Politics. I don't dislike anything BP is, as I was on that server for several years and made many good friends and g...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Sorry Darth -- That's Not What a Syllogism Is.

Sorry Darth -- That's Not What a Syllogism Is.

Darth is an imbecile.  I find it very difficult to take a man seriously when they speak as if they know something, and at worst being in his 60s,...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
news punch

news punch


Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
The holocaust DID NOT HAPPEN

The holocaust DID NOT HAPPEN


Written by: Apollonian Back Rubs
Rating 0.5
We're All Part of the Everybody

We're All Part of the Everybody

In a world that’s gone seemingly mad, it’s possible to find stability, peace and good will among men. Most if it begins with us!   ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Gas Prices are High in Florida — What is Causing It?

Gas Prices are High in Florida — What is Causing It?

As of 3/8/2022, we can see that "Today's AAA National Average" price of gas across Florida is soaring above $4 a gallon.  As people...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
freedom of pizzaQ and censorship

freedom of pizzaQ and censorship

Youtube removes a legit new channel for making fun of chinas fake vaccine that hardly works. We see censorship creeping up on the web. Why are not mor...

Written by: 1stamenderforever
Rating 0.5
Well Being for the Holiday Season and Beyond

Well Being for the Holiday Season and Beyond

The holiday season is here with many feeling more stressed and perplexed than ever; but be encouraged as you reach into treasures of well-being av...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Does President Biden Have Dementia?

Does President Biden Have Dementia?

Would you consider the mental health of a president a primary factor on whether or not they should be president in the first place? If you do believe ...

Written by: Patriotic_Luck
Rating 0.5
The ramped corruption of blue politics

The ramped corruption of blue politics

To the people of Discord,It is apparent and abhorrent that we see that state of Blue politics to have ramped corruption.we see that the leaders of are...

Written by: Centrist_Center
Rating 0.5
A Call To Arms!

A Call To Arms!

"But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of B...

Written by: TurnorBurnMinistries
Rating 0.5
Letters and Words for a Time of Change

Letters and Words for a Time of Change

Letters and Thoughts for a Changing Time Few can deny that our world is undergoing a seismic shift where institutions, ideas, ideals and more a...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
GTA Online Is Full Of Cheaters & Rockstar Doesn't Seem To Care

GTA Online Is Full Of Cheaters & Rockstar Doesn't Seem To Care

GTA Online Is Full Of Cheaters & Rockstar Doesn't Seem To Care Players have had to start cracking down on cheaters in GTA Online themselves...

Written by: slam cham
Rating 0.5
The ABC's of NOW: M is for Money and L is for Life

The ABC's of NOW: M is for Money and L is for Life

None can deny that our cosmos is changing. We’re experiencing a giant shift that has a few excited for things to come while many of us cling des...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
How to use BitMEX to trade cryptocurrencies with INSANE leverage.

How to use BitMEX to trade cryptocurrencies with INSANE leverage.

With the recent economic developements having brought more people than ever into the realm of investing and trading, as well as shining new attention ...

Written by: Jonathan Schloss
Rating 0.5
Resistance without Supersovereignty

Resistance without Supersovereignty

Central to the GA form of Neoabsolutism is the elimination of what I call “supersovereignties”—disciplinary concepts, such as &ldquo...

Written by: �oA9
Rating 0.5
How Ron Paul singlehandedly destroyed the Republican Party

How Ron Paul singlehandedly destroyed the Republican Party

Im gonna make this quick cause im just bored and annoyed with society and now.. >Ron Paul  >Runs for GOP nomination in 2008 and ...

Written by: Ben Dover
Rating 0.5
And within a Thanos snap useless fake president Joe Biden plans to cancel keystone pipeline laying off hundred to thousands of both canucks and yankees

And within a Thanos snap useless fake president Joe Biden plans to cancel keystone pipeline laying off hundred to thousands of both canucks and yankees

Its crazy how all it takes is a psyop with the power of Covid and BLM movement to make a decent president lose a bid at a second term..  so,...

Written by: Ben Dover
Rating 0.5
Fake President Joseph Biden shows that he is completely incompetent in everything that he proposed and his supporters are the real suckers and losers

Fake President Joseph Biden shows that he is completely incompetent in everything that he proposed and his supporters are the real suckers and losers

"Theres nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months" —Invaded Syria —Left the Nati...

Written by: Ben Dover
Rating 0.5
As Fake President Joseph Robinette Bidet is sworn into office the nation is sunken deep into tyranny

As Fake President Joseph Robinette Bidet is sworn into office the nation is sunken deep into tyranny

We all have to go thru harsh times weather it is economically,socially,mentally and most importantly politically and nothing was more vile than having...

Written by: Ben Dover
Rating 0.5
Why the election is fraudulent a response to the weak Lib-Right point of our dear lord and savior 1stAmender and the Far Left lie known as demonrats

Why the election is fraudulent a response to the weak Lib-Right point of our dear lord and savior 1stAmender and the Far Left lie known as demonrats

Election night was a teeth chattering nail biting situation on tuesday night, me, being a pro-trump leaning person was expecting a trump landslide but...

Written by: Ben Dover
Rating 0.5
Natural Monopolies and the Failures of Government Interventionism:   A five-part critique of modern interventionist economics

Natural Monopolies and the Failures of Government Interventionism: A five-part critique of modern interventionist economics

“The very term "public utility" … is an absurd one. Every good is useful "to the public," and almost every good &hell...

Written by: Liam Thomas
Rating 0.5
What closed minded people don't understand about tattoo cultures from around the world in the 2

What closed minded people don't understand about tattoo cultures from around the world in the 2

so I'm writing this cause my friend Jess Day from West Haven high school is a tattoo artist at key's on kite in News Haven Connecticut. I...

Written by: Irezumi1992
Rating 0.5
Why Teddy Roosevelt Would Beat Winston Churchill in a fight.

Why Teddy Roosevelt Would Beat Winston Churchill in a fight.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are some of the things that our country was founded upon. But there is a 4th thing. That fourt...

Written by: NateBuildsWalls
Rating 0.5
The Election Wasn't Stolen

The Election Wasn't Stolen

Usually when I go around looking for facts I can honestly start by looking at articles.  It doesn't really matter what article it is or where...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Not Wearing a Facemask in Heavily Populated Areas Breaks the Non-Aggression Principle

Not Wearing a Facemask in Heavily Populated Areas Breaks the Non-Aggression Principle

Non-aggression principle: You do not act with aggression on others unless acted on with aggression. This is a common axiom that is touted among Lib...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
ABC's of NOW - Second Installment for Global Change

ABC's of NOW - Second Installment for Global Change

Greetings, all! If you haven’t already tuned in, I invite you to join me as we “re-visit” the alphabet during these exciting,...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
The ABC's of NOW: Epic Change and a Wonderful World Ahead (if you can stand it)!

The ABC's of NOW: Epic Change and a Wonderful World Ahead (if you can stand it)!

None can deny it. We are experiencing an era of unprecedented, even epoch, change! However, when change occurs, we’re often met with unce...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Growing Our Emotional Intelligence

Growing Our Emotional Intelligence

No one will doubt we're collectively experiencing a topsy-turvy world. Living with uncertainty has become the new norm. Adaptation is rapidly e...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Asking Questions and Being a Light!

Asking Questions and Being a Light!

  We’ve all been there. We started out small, arrivals to a world outside the womb. And soon, we were brimming with all kinds of ...

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
Investing for the crash

Investing for the crash

As the economy has been in an artificial boom for decades now, with a few hiccups (like the .com bubble and the 2008 housing crash) immediately &ldquo...

Written by: Jonathan Schloss
Rating 0.5
Slavery is NOT Capitalism and Here's Why

Slavery is NOT Capitalism and Here's Why

There have been many debates I have been involved with over this topic. It turns to be a constant area of "refutations" that it has become e...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5
Ba'athism and modern white nationalism

Ba'athism and modern white nationalism

For those of you who don't know Ba'athism is a political ideology originating from the writings of Michael Aflaq and Zaki Al-Arsuzi. Ba'at...

Written by: Arpad
Rating 0.5


They got my boy ...

Written by: jahito
Rating 0.5
teen cum cum cum fuck cum

teen cum cum cum fuck cum https://ww...

Written by: password
Rating 0.5
New Controversial World of Warcraft Expansion lands Blizzard in Hot Water.

New Controversial World of Warcraft Expansion lands Blizzard in Hot Water.

Blizzard has gone and done it again! Last night the highly anticipated orc update for the hit MMORPG, World of Warcraft released, but with something g...

Written by: mario
Rating 0.5
This is a headline

This is a headline

A good example of how to mow. ...

Written by: rawtexter
Rating 0.5
What Do You Stand For?

What Do You Stand For?

  Making a point in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Building In a world that angles for our attention, anger, partiality and strife . ....

Written by: Maura4u
Rating 0.5
the gateway pundit

the gateway pundit

l ...

Written by: Oan
Rating 0.5
Why don't people vote Libertarian?

Why don't people vote Libertarian?

As a Libertarian myself, I want to do everything I can to help spread Liberty. I joined my local county Libertarian party, we promote and push for Lib...

Written by: The 1st Amender
Rating 0.5